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Using Pixar shorts in Speech Therapy

Pixar not only makes blockbuster movies, but they also make adorable shorts! What's a Pixar short? A short movie packed with cute characters and great morals. None of the shorts contain "words" which make them the perfect activity for speech therapy!

Why I love Pixar Shorts:

  1. Colorful and cute characters and frames keep students engaged and motivated.

  2. Lack of words allows students to rely on facial expressions and body language to understand character's feelings and emotions.

  3. Shorts are the perfect length for students who have a hard time maintaining attention

  4. Can be easily used during virtual/remote learning.

  5. Each one has a moral (perfect for working on pragmatics), twists (which allows for inferencing) and heartwarming end.

  6. Working on a variety of these skills can generalize to helping students understand longer movies or conversations with others.

While Pixar has many to choose from, my top 3 can be found below! (Click the pics to be taken to each short)

1. Piper: An adorable and heartwarming short about learning to overcome fear!

2. For the Birds: Perfect for increasing inferencing skills

3. La Luna: I love the colors and characters in this sweet film about three generations of family!

Love this idea? Check out all the Pixar shorts available for purchase below:


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